Xage Security Reveals New Blockchain Innovation to Protect Trillions of Industrial Devices and Interactions


Today Xage Security revealed a next-generation cybersecurity solution to increase the scale of protection for trillions of industrial devices and applications across many organizations and locations at once. The company’s two new blockchain innovations – a hierarchical-tree system and conditional consensus – now enable data-rich transactions across thousands of nodes to ensure scalability in the most expansive deployments, for the first time. This enables Xage to expand its offering for customers and partners––furthering its mission to provide the secure foundation for industries at scale.

In 2017, Xage Security introduced the first and only blockchain-protected Security Fabric for industrial operations. Since then, Xage has built on its platform to develop the first tamperproof system and first universal access control for all industrial operations and devices. The company’s new hierarchical system enables multiple simultaneous updates across the Fabric, regardless of location or connectivity––and is a world-first for blockchain-protected security.

Additionally, Xage has announced support for a new consensus protocol bringing “supermajority consensus” to the blockchain, so decisions can be structured to protect all participants, including those in the minority. This enables secure collaboration, multi-party governance, and verification for the rich ecosystems within major industries.

Xage PR Here

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